Wednesday, June 23, 2010

3 Kingdoms Online [Continued]

The closed beta for 3 Kingdoms Online closed its doors today. Like many players new to the concept of beta-testing I assumed that the transition from closed to open beta would be immediate. I was thoroughly disappointed to discover that not only had my character been wiped from Wave Games' databases, but that I wouldn't be able to log on for who knows how long as they prepared to launch the open beta.

It was at that point, as I tried to find something on my hard drive that I actually wanted to play, that I came to the sudden realization that I was addicted to 3 Kingdoms. Or more truthfully I was addicted to the MMO system. Honestly, I had a blast beta-testing 3 Kingdoms and when the powers that be decide it's proper time for another romp in the kingdom of Wei I'll be there, but I realized it's not so much the game itself but the community and sense of purpose I missed.

Maybe it's because the auto-battle and NPC-party system in 3 Kingdoms made grinding so easy that the constant need to get to that next level was never irritating, but I can genuinely say that the basic mechanics in place need no changing at all. Sure, trading items wasn't working and quests were riddled with bugs, but the actual leveling/grinding/fighting system was a blast. In the end it allowed me to focus on making friends, helping others, and generally just the "being social" part of the game. I realize now that I'm going to miss that.

Which is why I'm downloading Runes of Magic. Another MMORPG, a bit more traditional in the sense that (1) there are no bots; and (2) I'll be the only one not knowing what the hell I'm doing. But I'm craving for that sense of satisfaction that reaching that next level stirs in me... and I'm willing to download the 5GB client for the next four days to get it.

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