DELUHI is a band that I've just recently been introduced to, having sparked my interest when I heard their guitarist LEDA used to go by the name Yu-To, best known for being the bassist for power metal quintet Galneryus.
I assume it would be rather difficult to shine in a band fronted by Syu, thus the formation of DELUHI. Even so, Syu's shadow is large and LEDA's playing style seems to have been influenced by Syu in many ways; his love for bending and pinch harmonic stand out as being the most prominent examples.
Having heard their past outings -- I was greatly impressed by their mini-album Yggdalive -- I was fairly excited to hear that a new single was in the works. FRONTIER is distinctly DELUHI in that it carries on the band's knack for writing catchy interludes and drop-C heavy riffage. FRONTIER isn't exactly their heaviest track, JURI's screaming is top-notch but noticeably kept to a minimum in this track. Those that liked flow snow and Revolver Blast will love this track.
Catchy intro with some spectacular double pedal. Aggy's bass is perfectly distorted to fill in the empty spaces left by the lack of a rhythm guitar; a trick he may have learned from LEDA. JURI really showcases his vocal talent. I'm a huge fan of JURI's vocals, his screaming is excellent and his singing is almost pitch-perfect live (a rarity in Visual Kei) and he doesn't disappoint here. The interlude is rather generic, sung in passable Engrish but I found it even gets annoying after a while. Fortunately we only have to hear it twice before LEDA's shredding kicks in. The chorus in this track is DELUHI-catchy, maybe a bit NoGod-ish.
Of note is guitarist LEDA's solo. Clocking in at nearly one minute, LEDA's quick scale runs and catchy arpeggios are a fitting climax for the track, it also shows how he has matured as a guitarist. In the past his solos have been rather restricted and brief, but the level of fret "fapping" on this track is approaching Syu-like levels.
Fans hoping for a return to their thrash roots won't be impressed by this single, even in comparison to some of their "lighter" tracks FRONTIER doesn't particularly stand out but it's a solid track and certainly worth a listen.
- Download: Mediafire
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