Saturday, June 12, 2010

-OZ- - Wisteria

-OZ- is back with their first release in 2010 Wisteria. This five-piece from Tokyo has only recently popped up on the radar of most casual VK fans, a sign that their persistence is finally paying off. The band formed in 2004 and has been steadily garnering attention for their unique brand of metal.

I haven't really heard a band like -OZ- since I first heard SIX back in 2007. Whereas in SIX -OZ- was still looking for their defining sound -- back then they were experimenting with some strange influences, even dabbling a bit in jazz -- the -OZ- on Wisteria exhibits a band that has finally found itself.

Their songs are distinct, relying on drop-D tuning to keep the riffs heavy without wandering into thrash or death metal territory. The first track on Wisteria titled "Pressed Flower" gets the SP off to a rather shaky start; you can tell what the guitars are trying to do but they lack any punch. Once Natsuki's vocals kick in the song picks up. Natsuki defines this band, his sharp voice coupled with his rapid vibrato really pull their sound together. After a rather forgettable interlude we get to the chorus which is immediately catchy.

-OZ- aren't going to win any awards for musicianship; while their vocalist may be fantastic the lives I've seen showed me a so-so drummer and rather shoddy guitar work. The solo on Pressed Flower is forgettable.

The next track titled "Retrograde" opens up with the sound of a girl screaming played backwards and a synth track rewound. Solid drumming, a rather catchy riff. Rather standard -OZ-, for better or for worse.

The third and last track "Another Reign" is easily the best track on the album. The melody swings, the screaming is fantastic, and the chorus is great. Everything seems to come together on this track, the bass is suitably distorted and the guitars finally have the punch in the low-end that they've been searching for throughout this entire release. The drum work is great.


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